Pictorial models
Pictorial models

pictorial models

Andi Offset.Īrief, M., Kuspuji, T.& Rakhmi, S.(2007).Kapita selektra kedokteran.Edisi ke-3.Jakarta:Media Aesculapius.ĭimyati, V. Pictorial model health education can significantly improve the mother's skills.Īlmatsier, S.(2010).Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi.Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Discussion: Narration and animation in teaching and learning process is an interesting media and proven effectively to improve learning result. Results: Unskilled category respondents are 91,7% before health education given and decrease to 0% after health education.Pictorial model health education is significantly influence on early detection mother skill of anemia in primary school children (p-value 0,00). The population of this research was 150 people and 60 people were chosen as samples by purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted in Bontokape Village, Bolo Sub-district, Bima Regency.


Researchers will assess mothers who have elementary school children before and after a pictorial model health education given on how to detect early anemia in primary school children. This is a quasi-experimental research with pre and post-test design in the same group.

pictorial models

Health education is a strategy in providing knowledge, comprehension, abilities and skills for empowerment. Introduction: Early detection of anemia can be performed by mother and the mother should have knowledge and skills in it.

Pictorial models